Prophets Diary
Prophets Diary
An American Prophets Record, The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith,
Edited By Scott H. Faulring. (Signature Books, Smith Research Associates, SLC Ut 1998)

        This publication is the wonderful labor of Scott H. Faulring. It opens "treasures of knowledge" for those desiring to experience the daily life and heart of our courageous Prophet and those other courageous friends and participants of the Restoration around him.

        I recommend your acquire your own copy and search its interesting, enlightening, life enriching and spirit expanding  pages.   tlr

An American Prophets Record, The Diaries and Journals of Joseph Smith
Page 445

        Tuesday, Feb[ruary] 6[th] [several lines left blank] Evening with Hyrum and Sidney and the 12 [Apostles] and the wives at John Taylor’s at 5 P.M. for supper Very pleasant time. I prophesied at the table that 5 years would not roll round before the company would all be able to live without cooking. [rest of page blank] {page 255}

Pages 446-447

         Tuesday, Feb[ruary] 20t[th] 1844 At home. At 10 A.M. went to my office where the Twelve [Apostles] and some others met in council with Bro[ther]s Mitchel Curtis and Stephen Curtis who left the pinery, 1st of January, Black River. [They were] sent by Lyman Wight and Bishop Miller to know whither Lyman should preach to the indians. The Menominees and Chippeway having requested it. The Chippeways had given Bro[ther] Wight some wampum as token of peace and the brethren had given them 1/2 box flour and an ox to keep them from starving and Wight had gone through to Green Bay with them to mark a road.
        I told them to tell Bro(ther] Wight I have no council to shed-blood* /give/ him. He is there on his own ground and he must act on his own responsibility and do what he thinks best and he shall never be brought into any difficulty about it by us. (*Note "shed-blood" is struck through with line - tlr)

        Lyman Wight is one of those 12 Apostles with their wives that were in attendance in the home of John Taylor -- so he heard and understood the entire evenings instructions (not recorded, per "{rest of page blank}"- see above) and discussion (which displeased several Apostles, their wives and so many other saints - per George Q. Cannon), so he is now concerned about his desperate choice to slaughter his ox to save the lives of these starving, freezing and already dying Gospel desiring native peoples -- who were struggling for food in the awful situation that he and Bishop Miller found them, left without stores consequent to the previous years draught followed by the most brutal winter ever recorded.
        Righteous and caring, Apostle Wight needed to know that he had not displeased the Lord, nor his Prophet, and that he was within the exception of "to save your lives" as the Prophet had revealed to his Apostles and had expanded upon in that evening at John Taylor's home, only two weeks before.
        See DC 89:13,15; DC 49:21; and footnote 21a: JST Gen 9:11 and The Teachings of Joseph Smith, Page 71: Kindness to Animals.   (tlr)

That day's entry continues...
        I instructed the 12 [Apostles] to send out a delegation and investigate the locations of  California and Oregon and find a good location where we can remove after the Temple is completed and build a city in a day and have a government of our own in a healthy climate      (Note: Utah was in California Territory - tlr)
        Dr. Richards recieved a letter from Ja[me]s A. Bennet which / pleased me much. At office./ Warm. Ice began to come down from above in the river.
        [written sideways on the page] / Visited at James Irvins this P.M. and evening / {page 269}

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